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The palace has always received visitors and it was in 1948, on the occasion of an international UNESCO congress in Beirut, that Mr. Jean Raphaël Debbané opened the first Visitors Book. Visitors and several well-known figures wishing to leave a written trace of their visit have used it to record their impressions.

We would like to continue this tradition which was revived by Raphaël Georges Debbané at the UNESCO seminar held in Saïda in May 2001.

Visitors’ comments since the opening of the website in 2002:

“ Your web-site is very interesting. Particularly, the virtual museum-visit gives a great impression of the Palais. Above that, the "visitor" can be "active" concerning the pictures. The motives can become enlarged, each in accordance with the individual interest. Your web-site is a wonderful example how people can be stimulated to visit a museum in "reality".
Best wishes.“

H. K. Vieregg - PRESIDENT of ICOFOM – Munich - March 13, 2002

"Marhaba ! J'ai trouvé votre site à partir de l'association pour le mécénat. Je le trouve splendide et le palais et ses mosaïques m'attire énormément. Je connais Saïda... J'ai beaucoup aimé votre ville et admiré tout le travail de patrimoine déjà réalisé, sur la ville ancienne. Votre famille fait également beaucoup. Mabrouk ! Je viens tous les 6 mois environ au Liban, qui est ma grande passion. … Je comprends donc un peu vos préoccupations ! Bien à vous et surtout Mabrouk ! "

Astrid – Lyon –France – 01/03/02

"It's been a great pleasure looking at the pictures of this beautiful palace and reading all about Saida, and its history.. I really enjoyed the site ! Good luck for all the efforts all of you are putting into this project, I know it means a lot to the family and to me in particular to see this project come true. Keep me up dated "

C. Doummar - 07/02/02

Following your visit to this website and your warmly awaited visit to the Debbané Palace in Saïda we would be pleased to receive your comments and observations:

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