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1. Request for technical assistance:
The Foundation is seeking persons qualified in the restoration of buildings similar to the palace to ensure that its refurbishment is historically accurate.

2. Sponsorship:
The Foundation has begun to ask for the assistance, support and advice of national and international organisations in setting up the museum.

3. Patrons:
The renovation of a building of this kind will undoubtedly contribute to the preservation of the historical heritage of old Saïda. The Debbané Foundation has donated the palace and all its service quarters. Moreover, it has taken the initiative in beginning repair work and instigating research as well as drawing up various plans for final restoration of the palace.

However, there is no denying that a project to establish a History Museum requires considerable financial and technical resources. The Foundation therefore intends to launch an appeal for funds.

Any individual or commercial entity wishing to support the project will be able to consult the relevant documentation at the coordination office and select a particular project pertaining to restoration, or to the promotion of an event or studies.

Donations may also take the form of time offered to assist in the work or, for example :
- An individual may help to establish the documentation centre by donating books.
- A cultural project may be encouraged through the organisation of a conference at the Palace.
- A commercial entity might award a prize for the restoration of a room, the garden or shop.

There are plenty of ideas…

4. Friends of the Museum:
The Foundation intends to establish the Association of Friends of the Saïda History Museum.

We hope to make this museum a major success thanks to contributions from the “Friends of the Museum”. Contributions can be financial or in kind.

With the assistance of the Friends of the Museum we hope to establish contacts with connaisseurs of history, architecture and any cultural or musical activity. We also hope to involve as many young people as possible in the museum’s activities.

5. Partnerships
The Foundation would like to foster sound commercial partnerships in Lebanon and abroad to implement projects jointly designed, developed and executed over several years.

Such ventures will be innovatory. They should contribute towards safeguarding our heritage, the provision of cultural and scientific multimedia teaching tools or the organisation of conferences or seminars on cultural, historical or archaeological topics.

To become a member of the Association of Friends of the Saïda History Museum and play a part in the life of the museum and in building up its collections, whilst at the same time helping to preserve its heritage:

Contact us:
Centre Tayar, Sin el Fil, Beirut
Tel : +961 1 489 124/5
Fax: +961 1 485 848
e-mail :

We would like to thank our first donors:

Mme Mary Georges Debbané
Mme Nicole Naggear-Sursock
Mlle Denise Joseph Naggear
Mme Ama Tabet Prince
Mlle Marie Gabrielle Lendrin, student of history
M. Raymond Debbané
M. Antoine Joseph Naggear
M. Antoine Maamari
M. Jean Baptiste Deau, student of history

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